Good Friday Worship Reflection 10 April 2020

Good Friday Worship Reflection 10 April 2020 1

Friday 10 April 2020 we join Christian communities around the world to remember the crucifixion of Jesus.

As you prepare to watch and listen to this service you’re invited to light a candle at 9.30am, thinking of others in our congregation who may be doing the same in their homes. You may like to say this PRAYER, knowing others in our Margaret River Uniting Church community will say that prayer at the same time as you. In this way we stay unified in our connection.

Click on the video link below for the Margaret River Uniting Church Good Friday worship service, including a reflection from Roger Westaway.

Thanks to Rev Don Dowling for creating these video reflections for our church community.

Good Friday Screenshot

If you are having trouble accessing via the image link copy and paste the following url into your web browser  –

To read the Uniting Church in WA Moderator Rev Steve Francis’s Easter message CLICK HERE