RSG…to Kindy 2018 Graduates! Kindy 2018 Graduates! 1

There was a combination of laughter and tears as our class of 2018 concluded their year with a short rendition of their favourite songs from the program. Tears as we cherish our memories of friendship and fun during year, knowing we will no longer spend that precious time together, but also knowing that the children have developed the skills ready for their next adventure. Laughter as they entertain us with their singing and spontaneous joy.

Children were presented with a book from the Margaret River Uniting Church  Community and all their Christmas craft had been saved for them to take home and share with their families. A beautiful Christmas morning tea was then enjoyed by all.

It is an end of a chapter for some families who have been with us since the birth of their first child, through playgroup, followed by Ready Set Go for all their children. The beauty of a small town community is that we will still maintain contact. It has been a privilege for us to be part of their journey.

Many thanks to Kim and Yvette for their dedication to providing such a fantastic learning journey for these children. The 2019 session is fully booked, but we do have a wait list if you are interested. Please contact Mary 0429797767.