The Blessing Orbs

The Blessing Orbs 1

The Blessing Orbs is a community artwork that was created to honour and acknowledge community strength and connection, and as a means to bring awareness of sources of support for locals in Margaret River.  (read more about the creation of the orbs here)

Five individual Orbs were made by participants in Creative Mindfulness workshops. These Orbs are ephemeral artworks. When left to the elements of nature, they will decompose over time, reflecting the natural rhythm of life.  The prayers and wishes within will then return to the earth, blessing the place and space.

The clay pieces will also break down, releasing seeds of Everlastings and Lavendar.  As Spring (the season of new life) comes around, the seeds of hope and peace are given opportunity to flourish.

During a morning tea on 19 October participants from the workshops and representatives from the community gathered to view the finished Orbs.  Ian Hackett from Tig-Le House offered a blessing to them, and then the following Blessing Orbs were gifted to these important community organisations:

  • Osmington Anglican Church – ‘Presence’
  • Margaret River Organic Gardens – ‘Shelter Within’
  • Margaret River Library – ‘Heart of Unity’
  • Margaret River Community Centre – ‘Grounded in Community’.

After our worship service on Sunday the our blessing orb, called ‘Peace Within’ was hung under the wattle tree alongside the Labyrinth.  Orb Labyrinth Mruc

We hope that the Blessing Orbs will continue to assist the community by being a focus point by which people can connect to support groups and services.  It is our hope that each Orb will be enjoyed for its medatative qualities, will inspire people to connect to the wider community and will encourage people to seek assistance when needed.

Many thanks to Cynamon from Wild Art Weaving for her creativity and guidance in this project.  And to Clare Smith for taking many of the beautiful photos throughout the process.


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