Fundraising BBQ was Great!

Fundraising Bbq Was Great! 1

On Sunday 10th November the Margaret River Uniting Church held a Great Outback BBQ to raise money for Australian communities affected by drought.

The Great Outback BBQ is an initiative of Frontier Services, an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia. Frontier Services works in regional and remote communities across Australia, offering connection, support and advocacy to those in need of a listening ear, a friendly face and a helping hand.  Their vision is one of ‘an Australia where everyone who lives in our regional and remote areas are cared for and supported, and have a mantle of safety and well-being.’ Read more about Frontier Services here –

There was a festive feel in the air as the BBQ kicked off in the carpark, helped by the wonderful entertainment provided by the Uke Club Margaret River and people from the church and community stopping for delicious lunch and a chat.  A big thanks to Woolworths Margaret River for the generous donation of the sausages and buns for our BBQ! Thanks also to our wonderful team of volunteers who helped make it happen, providing a mouthwatering array of salads and cake, giving their time, and promoting the event to the community.  During the lunch Chris Penfold shared some of her experiences volunteering with BlazeAid – helping rebuild fences in farming communities affected by fire and other natural disasters, and Mary talked about the work of Frontier Services across Australia.

We’re pleased to announce that a total of $1000 was raised at the event and will be forwarded on to the Frontier Services Great Outback BBQ appeal. If you missed the event you can still donate online HERE

Here are some photos from our event.