Supporting the Act for Peace Christmas Bowl Appeal

Supporting The Act For Peace Christmas Bowl Appeal 1

Thanks everyone! Over $1,000 has been raised over Advent for the Christmas Bowl Appeal.

It’s been more than 70 years since Rev. Frank Byatt started the Christmas Bowl.

He put a Bowl of Remembrance on his Christmas dinner table and asked his loved ones to place a gift in it to ‘share your good dinner with hungry children in other lands.’

Frank couldn’t have foreseen how his simple act of compassion that evening would grow into the powerful Christmas Bowl tradition we now know is celebrated in thousands of churches across Australia. And he couldn’t have known how much it would be needed in our world today.

When Frank sat down to his Christmas dinner in 1949, he knew millions of people were starving in war-ravaged Europe. And he was compelled to offer help.

As we break bread with our loved ones this Christmas, our thoughts will be for our sisters and brothers who have been forced from their homes, and loved ones, by conflict or disaster.

Please join with us again this Christmas Bowl, as together we share God’s love, helping create a world where uprooted people have a safe place to belong.  Each Sunday in Advent at Margaret River Uniting Church will share the work of the Christmas Bowl.  Details for supporting this appeal will be available or go to the Act For Peace website for more details.