Worship Sunday 7 June 2020

Worship Sunday 7 June 2020 1

Welcome to the Margaret River Uniting Church worship service Sunday 7th June 2020 which is led by Susan Vernon with the focus on Trinity Sunday.

The reading for today comes from Matthew 28: 16 – 20

This week, as part of the service, Sue will conduct holy communion for us, where she will bless the elements and we can join in at home by preparing our own elements. If you would like to take part in this please have ready your choice of elements – be it wine, juice, bread or crackers – so we can join in communion together in this way.

As you prepare to watch and listen to this service you’re invited to light a candle at 9.30am, thinking of others in our congregation who may be doing the same in their homes.

Click on the image to view the video in Youtube.

Thanks to Rev Don Dowling for creating this online service for our congregation and community.

Worship Clip

Or copy and paste the following link into your browser – https://youtu.be/gp1ERnNnPZo