Blessing Wall

Blessing Wall 1

Have you seen our Blessing Wall?

Outside our church building on Tingle Ave in the Riverslea area of Margaret River, a community blessing wall has been started. There’s a walkway through our parking area which is utilised by many locals on their daily walk. Some stop to throw a few hoops in our basketball ring or enjoy walking through our nature garden and labyrinth. With isolation limiting ways that locals can help and interact in the community, we hope that people will show their blessings for their loved ones and the community by creatively adding organic materials to the wall.

If you live in the area feel welcome to stop next time you’re walking past and please add your blessings – or maybe bring along some chalk so the children can draw uplifting pictures on the bitumen carpark to help bring a smile to peoples faces! All while being physically distanced of course!

We would love you to share your photos on our Facebook page which can be found here!

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