Creative Mindfulness

Creative Mindfulness 1

Creative Mindfulness Workshops were held on 14 & 15 September 2018 a the Margaret River Uniting Church. These workshops were offered to the Margaret River community as an acknowledgement and support following the recent experiences of loss and trauma. They were a collaboration between Margaret River Uniting Church, Wild Art Weaving and Tig-le Dharma HouseTig-le Dharma House, designed to provide a supportive, inclusive space for adults to create for, to share with and to honour the Margaret River Community.

Participants made sculptures of weaving and clay using locally found natural materials, native seeds and easy sculptural techniques. The large, hanging sculptural artworks created during the workshop were designed to be shared with the wider community. Throughout the workshops, participants were guided gently to practice mindfulness and centering techniques, combining with the creative aspects to bring focus and calmness.

In the final session of the workshop the small symbolic hanging sculptures made from seeded clay, were combined with the 5 large woven orbs that will be installed in various community spaces. Blessings were added to the orbs and a small ceremony was held to conclude the workshops.

The workshops were a peaceful, meaningful and enjoyable experience for those who attended, with participants appreciating taking some time out for themselves, and feeling a sense of peace and connected-ness.

Local community organisations were approached to enable the orbs to be hung in a suitable space to be enjoyed by the community. The Margaret River Library, the Margaret River Community Resource Centre and the Community Garden have already accepted the invitation. On Friday 19 October a small morning tea will be held at the Uniting Church where local community representatives and workshop participants will be invited and the orbs handed over.

Money raised from the workshop has been donated to Suicide Prevention Margaret River, ( local organisation which is driven to inspire change through sport, training, education and fun. Special thanks to Cynamon for bringing her wonderful creativity to running these workshops, and to the dedicated organising team to help make them happen, and to members of the Margaret River UCA congregation who supported the event by providing food for the participants.  It really was a wonderful experience of collaboration and community.

We are keen to organise future workshops – watch this space!

Thanks to Claire Smith for taking so many beautiful photos.