Worship Services Resume 21 June 2020

We are pleased to announce that we are now ready to resume our face to face worship services at Margaret River starting this Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 9.30am with Rev David Jackson leading our service.

Img_1420Members of our church council have been making the necessary preparations to ensure we are meeting the COVID-19 health and safety guidelines required by both the government and the Uniting Church. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we all adjust to some of the changes to the way we organise the church entry process and go about our activities.


We understand that for some people attending in person at this stage is still not possible so we are also trialing a way for people to be able to watch the service remotely via Zoom.  This option is currently time limited so it may not capture the entire service, but will hopefully be a way of staying connected for now as we transition. We will continue to review and refine this process moving forward.

If you would like to connect this Sunday via Zoom please email [email protected] or message us via our Facebook page for login details.

Grace and peace,

Margaret River Uniting Church Council